As per our previous notification, email addresses @RostiAutomotive.com will cease to receive email after 4th September 2021.
To assist in identifying senders who are still using the old addresses, we are now inserting a banner at the top of incoming emails, and prepending the subject with [SENT TO ROSTIAUTOMOTIVE]. If you receive one of these emails, you should ensure the sender has the new @Xandor.com address for your personal mailbox, shared mailbox or distribution list. If this sender continues to use the old address, you will cease to receive these emails after September 4th.
As a further measure to the banner, the sender will also be sent a "bounce" message in response, informing them that this mailbox will cease accepting email after September 4th 2021.
We asked users to feed back on any other systems or processes which rely on @RostiAutomotive.com addresses. The feedback has been useful so far, so please continue to do so!
In response to the first reports received :
Some have asked about "The Hub", our SharePoint site. This will be unaffected in the short term, and you should continue to access it using your @rostiautomotive.com Microsoft Cloud Account. There is a ongoing project for the migration and merging of The Hub into the Xandor SharePoint tenant.
You will notice that The Hub has a basic theme change to remove the Rosti Automotive branding.
Secure Mail
Although it has been similarly rebranded, our Secure Mail facility is currently only working with the @RostiAutomotive.com email tenant. This will shortly be changed to work with @Xandor.com email addresses. A communication will be sent out when you can switch to using your @Xandor.com login. This will be the same password you use to access Xandor Teams and Outlook Email.
MFP Printers / Scanners / Scan To Email
The various page-scanning appliances will be reconfigured to use an @Xandor.com email address. At time of writing, they are still using @RostiAutomotive.com as a from/reply to address.
We are currently investigating the impact this has to AX, and will update you when we have more information.
As before, if you have any questions, queries or concerns about this change, or have identified a system or process which may be affected, please reach out to the Service Desk.