Emergency Planned Outage - Chomutov and Brierley Hill - Sunday 19th December
Richard Griffiths
about 3 years ago
We have today received a warning from our monitoring systems that there is risk of a potential unplanned outage of the firewalls in Chomutov and Brierley Hill, potentially within the next week.
As a preventative measure, firewalls on both sites will be rebooted on Sunday morning between 09:00 and 10:00 GMT, this may extend as far as 12:00 GMT if multiple reboots are required.
For the duration of the reboot (0900-1200 GMT)
Remote workers will be disconnected from GlobalProtect VPN or experience intermittent connectivity
On-site IT systems will experience disruption/disconnection from the network
Once the work is complete, another service announcement will be made.